
Posts Tagged ‘Covid-19’

Great to see this interview when I watched KITV news on Friday, August 21. Time to exhale!

Same virus but not the same news.

Last April this blog featured the story of a classmate who survived a close call with COVID-19. His experience included the alarming journey from being “somebody who [hadn’t] had a cold in five years, pretty healthy, to not being able to even walk five feet without stopping to catch my breath.” That condition led to three days on a ventilator, weeks in a hospital bed, and a long road back to normal after finally returning home.

KITV followed up our classmate’s story on August 21 when they interviewed him on their 5 p.m. broadcast. I though you also might want to learn about how he has been doing since the April story.

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What? No, you didn’t miss it in your mailbox. It’s in the online version of the Bulletin.

THE PUNAHOU74 MASK: An exclusive look for Punahou74 classmates in the medical field.

So what’s the story?

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Although he did not attend, Bill Price was an important presence at our 45th reunion celebration. Wines from his winery–Three Sticks Wines–were enjoyed by many at the Thursday night wine tasting and helped raise money on Friday night when additional bottles were sold for the Punahou Class of 1974 Scholarship.

THANKING THE WINE DONORS. At the end of the 45th reunion wine tasting (“Tasting the Spirit”) classmates gathered to thank David Parker, Catherine Tompkison and Bill Price for their wine donations. Lynne Vuillemot Bosche, Alton Komori, and Warren Loui also provided wine to sample. Pictured (L-R) are Leslie Ching Allen, Eleanor Uilani Bell, Babs Miyano Young, Lisa Yamaguchi Bowden, Warren Loui, Cynthia Proskefalas Dell, Lee Ann Gullikson Nicolay, and Lynne Gartley Meyer

Bill’s involvement with wine is a second career, something done more for the love of the business than for the love of money. He was introduced to the wine world when Texas Pacific Group (TPG), a private equity firm that he co-founded, purchased Beringer, California’s oldest continually operating winery.

Other wine investments followed and Three Sticks was launched in 2002. By 2007 Bill was in the business full-stop.

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Like a lot of people who sew, I responded to recent COVID-19 directives to wear fabric masks by pulling out my Bernina and threading my needle.

Fabric masks ready-to-wear and in a variety of colors.

The rule, courtesy of Hawaii’s Governor Ige, came out on April 17. It mandated that everyone wear a face mask or covering while in essential businesses–or while waiting to get inside.

Darn it. (Oops. Sorry. I guess I should stay “stitch it.”)

I’d been anticipating this. Fortunately, I have been a sewer for years. I am of a generation of females who


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Punahou School and the Punahou Alumni Association are currently asking that a “virtual lei” be given to the Class of 2020. For those of you who don’t watch the news (anyone?) the class has been denied many of the traditional senior year festivities that we, as members of the Punahou School Class of 1974, enjoyed ourselves. After reading the posted responses that have come in I couldn’t resist the opportunity and put in my two cents. I am reposting my comments here for you to read as well. I hope you will join me in this effort by leaving a note of encouragement, a piece of advice or a warm welcome for the Class of 2020 yourself.

THE PUNAHOU SCHOOL CLASS OF 1959 is known as “The Statehood Class.” I suggest that the Punahou School Class of 2020 be known as “The Asterisk Class.” (2009 reunion)

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