
Posts Tagged ‘jewelry’

With the rollout of Punahou School’s Alumni Week 2017, reunion 2019 is nudging its way on to the edge of Punahou74’s consciousness. In one year the reunion countdown will begin. Good to know that Punahou74 is still strong … and still celebrating together.

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“Hey, where’s the party?” (Stein Rafto photo)

Alumni Week’s Thursday night is an “Alumni Celebration.” It’s open to all alumni (+ friends and family) and offers good food, good music, and good times.

While it’s an alumni party, most of the attendees tend to be from reunion classes. And that’s something that Punahou74 will wait another two years to experience.

But this doesn’t stop the great Punahou School class of 1974.

Alumni Art Exhibit

Babs Miyano Young generously donated tropical floral arrangements that graced the Alumni Art exhibition. Simply stunning! I love how she (more…)

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