
Posts Tagged ‘Lynn Tanoue’

This reunion conversation is different from the others. Instead of having an event leader talk to you about what his or her event will offer–and why you should attend it–this conversation describes something that was gained via a 45th reunion event. Maybe you’d want to attend the 50th reunion version to see if you can gain something too.

LYNN TANOUE, RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF THE 45TH REUNION SATURDAY TOUR: (L-R) First row are Alan Lau, Lynne Gartley Meyer, Fay Inouye Aitcheson, Sheree Lum Orsi; (Middle row, L-R) Pauline Chang Chin, Sharon Fong Uyeda, Debbie Pang Chun, Lynn Tanoue; (Back row, L-R) Gaye Miyasaki, Susan Yee Jong, Alton Komori, Ian Sandison, Keith Kam, Frank Izuta, Lee Ann Gullikson Nicolay, Landis Lum, Jan Bertram; (Far back, L-R) David Howell, Jud Haskins.

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Like a lot of people who sew, I responded to recent COVID-19 directives to wear fabric masks by pulling out my Bernina and threading my needle.

Fabric masks ready-to-wear and in a variety of colors.

The rule, courtesy of Hawaii’s Governor Ige, came out on April 17. It mandated that everyone wear a face mask or covering while in essential businesses–or while waiting to get inside.

Darn it. (Oops. Sorry. I guess I should stay “stitch it.”)

I’d been anticipating this. Fortunately, I have been a sewer for years. I am of a generation of females who


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